Enrolment options

What is this course about?

This course
is for you if your digital camera is full of photographs that you want to save
and work with on your computer.

What will I learn?

Learn how
to store your photographs using card readers, memory cards and creating a
gallery of your favourite photographs. 
Also learn skills in using a scanner to scan old photographs.

 You will:

- Download photographs from a camera or mobile device

- Store images within the computer and other storage media

- Use websites safely for storage and sharing

- Restore display images

- know how to use a scanner

- understand different file types

- recognise different manipulation software

- prepare images for printing


will also have access to Covlearn to support your learning in and outside of
the classroom.  (An internet connection
is required at home).

 How will my learning be assessed?

On your first session you will be asked to
fill an Assessment for Learning, this will inform the tutor of the skills and
knowledge that you already have.  You
will be observed by the tutor within the sessions and feedback will be given to
you verbally and noted in the Assessment for Learning.

Course GradeBronze Course


Self enrolment
Self enrolment